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It's Time!


September has arrived with a flurry! For many, this is the time of year we begin thinking two things: “Will we see any more hurricanes this season?” And second, “The year is 2/3 complete and what have I accomplished?” Both of these are legit questions. My trusty 8-ball isn’t consistent on the answer to question 1. In fact, it keeps saying, “Unsure. Ask again later!”  Based on that, I’m not going to further comment. When it comes to question #2, I have a lot to say. We just finished our Faith series and the focus was knowing God has a dream for each one of us. The question that needed to be answered in this series was, “Will you act on it?”  We are in the final quarter of 2024 and the church has launched a great vision for our future. I’m really stoked about it but I am also concerned. In order for us to live into what God is calling us to do through Loving St. Pete, it’s going to take action. Jesus saw this in His day. He laid out a kingdom vision and the quick summation before him was, “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.”  Matthew 9:37.  Friends. You can rest when you die. Until then, we have a vision and mission to make real for the Kingdom. Don’t let another day go by without coming out of the stands and onto the field. It’s time!

— Pastor Bob   


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