Patti loves Thanksgiving Day. In fact, it’s her favorite holiday of the year. Things get really lively at our house early on that morning as dishes are prepared, pies created and the turkey goes into the oven. There are a few favorite family recipes and those of course must make the menu without exception. One of our daughters loves cranberry sauce but not the one you make fresh. For her, the only kind of cranberry sauce is the one that is gelatinous and has rings on it from the can! It’s the one time of year the weird pilgrim and turkey salt and pepper shakers make their table debut. That’s the one job I have, to reach way high in the hall cabinet and grab those little suckers off the shelf and put them on the table. What are some of your Thanksgiving traditions?
With surgical precision, Patti moves throughout the day working hard to make everything perfect. If I had to guess it takes over 15 hours to get the Thanksgiving meal prepared and on the table. Once everyone sits down, from blessing to pieces of pie consumed at the end, its maybe 15 minutes. Time with family? Priceless!
We all have so much to be thankful for this season. May this Thanksgiving be your best yet. Love on your family. And, give thanks to the One who blesses you and loves you more every day (our Lord).
— Pastor Bob
