I was speaking with a friend this week. They have been in a difficult spot. Things are challenging in many ways and they shared with me some of their struggles. As I listened I couldn’t help but think of what the appropriate words might be in our conversation. I was tempted to speak when I should have been listening and then I found myself not able to speak because what I heard really was challenging. When the time came for me to speak I was amazed at what I said (humbly, of course) as the Holy Spirit was certainly the one directing my words.
Our words are so important, aren’t they? Words can heal or they can harm. Words can be divisive or they can unite. Words can bring life or they can call upon death…what we say in our words has power! Just think about that…When God created he called things to be through His words. Jesus spoke words of healing when He performed miracles.
The Apostle Paul makes a great point when he speaks about power in Chapter 2 of Philippians. The question for all of us is, “What will be the basis of our words?” You and I both have power and it comes from words. Let’s choose to use that power the correct way. May your words bless someone today!
Pastor Bob