I really am not one for pomp and circumstance. In fact, having attention called to me is not something that I ask for. This is pastor appreciation Sunday and it’s a time when churches love on their pastors. That is such a special thing but there’s more. I think it is also important for every one of the church family to know how grateful your pastors are for you. It is a wonderful gesture to take a specific Sunday of the month and be recognized, but your pastors both agree that recognition isn’t on us, but on all of you. Because of God’s sweet love and grace, you are the heartbeat of His holy church. Through your prayers, financial support and many ways you serve, the ministry and life of Jesus Christ takes a bite out of an imperfect world. So, on this Sunday, your pastors want to thank you too for your love, support and on-going encouragement. We are blessed to be your pastors!
— Pastor Bob