by Nancy Gainor
Treetop View
Methodically, the wee man
reaches for the sturdy branches
that form a series of steps
giving rise to the top of the tree.
Surveying the horizon, he
patiently awaits the arrival of
Jesus. This pinnacle view allows
the diminutive Zacchaeus an
opportunity to witness the
teachings of the infamous
rabbi as he travels through
Jericho-without encountering
the obstacle of dense crowds.
This solitary setting provides
protection from the angry
residents who loathe and
accuse him of obtaining profits
from hefty taxes required by the
Roman Empire. Regarded as a
thief, he is not even allowed to
donate the funds considered
to be stolen. Within his heart,
Zacchaeus despises his profession
but is obliged to continue which allows
him financial independence.
Tormented by inner conflict,
Zacchaeus longs for
peace and has come to seek
counsel with the famed Jesus Christ.
Approaching the sycamore tree,
Jesus hesitates, gazes upward,
and informs Zacchaeus that he
will be staying for dinner at his home.
Startled at the request, the tax
collector shimmies down the
tree, colliding with the dangling,
lobed leaves and the spiked fruit
clusters as the spectators scowl
and complain. Overwhelmed
by Jesus’ endorsement, he
vows to give half of his
possessions to the poor and
pay back four times the amount
to those he swindled. Pleased,
Jesus responds, “Today salvation
has come to this house, because
this man too is a son of Abraham.
For the Son of Man came to seek
and save what was lost.” Christ
saves us from ourselves. Invite
him into your heart home today.
Luke 19:8-9
Does Christ dwell within your heart home this Lenten season? Lay down your burdens and regrets at his feet and experience the abundance of his mercy and grace. It is then that you will truly be filled with joy.