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Lenten Devotional: March 15, 2023

Let Us Be His Light Every Day

by John Wesley Richardson, Director of Contemporary Worship

As we live each day, the world will distract us from those moments where we are able to be the light that God has given all of us. The nature of our fallen world can very quickly cause us to lose hope. But let us rejoice and give unending thanks that through Him, we can be the light and the hope of Jesus Christ in this world.

In the morning, pray for God to help you be a light in the world each day. Pray and ask for God’s help so that you will be able to recognize others’ needs around you, as even in the smallest way you can be a light in the world for whomever God puts in your path. Give thanks for every day, every breath, and ask for God’s help so that you are not to forget His love for us even in our toughest hours. Pray and ask God to humble you while you carry His light, as this responsibility given to us by God’s great commission is by His grace alone so we can never lay claim. When circumstances tempt you to take your eyes off Him, guard your heart so that you do not grow cold to the world. Always remember that in being the light and living out His promise, you will harvest the righteous blessings of Jesus Christ for the world to feast.

Scripture for Meditation

Luke 8:16 ESV “No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light.”

James 3:18 ESV “And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”


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