by Susan Johnson-Clayton, Financial Secretary
Jesus Commanded Us
Lent is a great opportunity to consider how we are doing as Jesus followers. Jesus gave us one command:
“My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come. A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” —John 35-13:33 NIV
“One-Anothers” are not just the persons next to me in the church pew. They are the “One-Anothers” in the community and in the world.
They are the “One-Anothers” who look like me and those who look nothing like me. They are the “One-Anothers” who like me and those who don’t like me.
(By the way, in verse 34 “As” does not mean “because;” it means “in the manner that.”)
Questions to Ponder
How are you, how am I, doing with this?
How do you love someone you don’t know?
Would a kind word or gesture lift someone’s spirit or encourage them? A patient, listening ear?
What about offering empathy to someone in a tough situation instead of judging them or comparing yourself to them? (Pointing to myself on this)
What about serving in a ministry or work group at the church or in the community?
Loving Lord,
Fill us with the love that you have for us so that we might express it to others. Help us to love others with a willingness to sacrifice ourselves for their benefit, even as you gave yourself for us. And let all people everywhere see this love in us. Let our love for your people and the mutual love among us be obvious. We need you to immerse us in your love so that it might overflow from us toward our brothers and sisters in Christ. And let the end result of this love glorify your name.