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Lent & Easter 2024

No events at the moment
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Easter Sunday—Sunday, March 31:

Sunrise Service in Williams Park (across the street from the church) at 7:30 am. Bring a lawn chair!

Easter Worship in the Sanctuary at 9:30 & 11 am.


Past Events
Ash Wednesday — Wednesday, February 14:

Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday February 14th. We will offer drive-through Ashes-to-Go in our parking lot at lunchtime on Ash Wednesday from 12-2 pm. In addition, don't miss our Ash Wednesday Worship service that evening at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary. If you can, please join us before the service at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall for our regular Wednesday Night Dinner.

Localtopia— Saturday, February 24 :

Join us from 10am-5pm as we join with the community to celebrate all things local! We will have a booth near the front steps of the church so we can spread our message to LOVE.ST.PETE. 

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FREE Community Easter Gathering & Spring Picnic — Saturday, March 23 :

FREE Community Easter Gathering & Spring Picnic from 4-6 PM at the church on Saturday, March 23. Food, activities, and fun for all ages!

Easter Lilies for the Sanctuary:  We will have peace lilies and Easter lilies this year. We will place all flowers in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday for decoration. If you ordered flowers, you may pick up your flower(s) in the Sanctuary after the 11 am Easter Sunday service has finished.


Palm Sunday Celebration — Sunday, March 24:

Palm branches, music, and more! Traditional Worship at 8 & 11 am; Contemporary Worship at 9:30 am.

Maundy Thursday Worship—Thursday, March 28:

Communion service with contemporary music at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. 

Good Friday Worship—Friday, March 29:

Join us in the Sanctuary on Friday, March 29 at 7 pm for our Good Friday worship service. The Chancel Choir, orchestra, and narrators will present The Shadow of the Cross, a service of darkness which walks us through the final hours of Jesus' life, including his crucifixion. But as John affirms, "the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it" (John 1:5).

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