St. Pete First Day at the Rays

St. Pete First UMC Day at the Rays —
Saturday, August 17, 2024
First Pitch @ 4:10 PM; Gates Open 2:10 PM
The 6th Annual St. Pete First Day at the Rays will be August 17th (first pitch at 4:10 pm) vs. the Arizona Diamondbacks @Tropicana Field. This game is also the annual Rays Faith Day Game, with a postgame event featuring the Rays Team Chaplain and player testimonies.
$40/person (children under 2 are free)
Tickets price includes a seat in Section 131 with the St Pete First group, a free Rays hat, and wristband for entry to the postgame Faith Night event featuring Team Chaplain & player testimonies.
NEW DEADLINE to buy tickets: Monday, August 12 at 12 noon
To purchase tickets: Visit Shirley Bassett at the Rays Day table in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, August 11 from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm —or— Click the button below to order online:
Already submitted an order form but still need to pay via credit card? Click here.
CASH or CHECK: Please mail or bring money for your ticket(s) to the church office (St. Pete First UMC, 212 3rd St N, St. Petersburg FL 33701), or place it in the offering plate on Sunday morning. Please note on the envelope or memo line of your check that you are paying for the Rays game.