One of the things that makes a church really have a heart for its community is through serving. We line up for the chance to sort and serve meals to the homeless, jump on a plane to travel across the globe to be a missionary, or grab a hammer and nail a few boards building a home for Habitat for Humanity. All these are great things to do as we serve. But I want you to know something that can literally change lives right here in your own backyard.
Jesus tells us in the Book of Acts we are to be His witnesses in “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the world.” I’ve often wondered about this as it relates to serving. It’s no mistake the Lord says we are to first serve in “Jerusalem.” Where is our Jerusalem? It’s our own backyard. It’s right in front of you and it doesn’t require saving a small treasure to get on a plane and travel to another country.
What I’m talking about specifically is asking you to serve as a volunteer in our children’s ministry, especially this summer as we offer our camps and Vacation Bible School. If we are going to be a light to shine brightly in our city then we need to make sure we are reaching kids. It doesn’t take much time; in fact, it’s less time than you would likely spend sitting at a Buc’s game. The difference is, you know which team is going to win when you serve and that is the Jesus team! Come on now, take a minute and let us know how you will help serve our summer children offerings. It’s a real gamechanger!
— Pastor Bob
