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Ministry Fair Today!


Have you ever asked, “What does God want me to do?” I know I have. One time, it happened when I had the choice of running a signal light (the light was yellow) or come to a stop. Like I said, maybe you have asked the question too… Knowing what God wants you to do is important. It makes the difference between living a mediocre life or one that is like stepping up to the plate and knocking it out of the park!

This Sunday is special. We will have a Ministry Fair going on where everyone can see firsthand what’s happening in our various ministries in our buildings all over our campus, from 9AM-10AM and 11AM-12PM. It’s a chance to put your toe in the water and check things out and see if God wants you to help as an office volunteer, work with children or youth, use your kitchen skills and assist with hospitality, be the first smiling face someone sees on our campus (a greeter)... the list goes on and on.

We will have a unity worship service at 10AM today. Our choir and praise team will be using their gifts in leading worship and music. It will really be special. Look forward to seeing you!

— Pastor Bob

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