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Lenten Devotional: March 21, 2024

by Alicia Clements, Preschool Director


Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV—

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.”

This scripture has been on my heart since the beginning of Lent now and I have been sharing it with family and friends. When I read this passage, it makes me question, “Do I trust in God with all my heart?” Many times, we pray about it and still try to find a solution for the issues we are facing. We must remember to acknowledge God in EVERYTHING we do! When we do this, He directs our paths.

When we think about Lent, people tend to give up something for forty days yet, most people start right back doing whatever it is they gave up at the end of the forty days. I spoke to a friend, and I was like, “Instead of giving up things, what else can I do?” He said, “What about giving more time to God” Proverbs 3:5-6 jumped into my spirit. How about trusting God more and not always trying to find a solution? How about acknowledging God for the small things and not just the big things? Trust God enough to let Him direct your paths and let’s be open to receiving His answer.


This season, I challenge you to acknowledge God in your everyday routine, thanking Him for the small things as well as for the big things. Go to God in prayer and give all your problems and challenges to Him. Let Him direct your path.


Dear God,

We come to you as humbly as we know how, thanking you for the seen and the unseen. We know it’s because of you we are here, and we just want to thank you. Help us to trust in you more each day and not to lean on our own understanding. If we just have faith the size of a mustard seed, we know you will direct our paths and lead us in the right way to go. We just want to thank you for everything you are doing in our lives, in both the good things and the things we may not understand. Yet, we trust you still, God! Thank you for being an omniscient God! God, we love you, trust you, and whatever you are doing this season, please do not do it without us. In your son Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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