by Nancy Gainor
Praiseworthy Corridor
Straddled atop a donkey,
Jesus can hear the chorus
of praise in the distance.
He understands their
misguided worship
for a conquering Messiah,
He knows the course
of events that lie ahead,
and they are not
what his followers
anticipate. Brillant blue
skies and a penetrating sun
form a backdrop for this
hallelujah celebration.
Yet today, instead
of a white horse, as
predicted by the rabbis,
the beloved Jesus
rides a common colt.
Gingerly, the animal
treads across palms
and cloaks strewn
upon the road as a
symbol of reverence.
Gazing at their adoring
faces with love, Jesus
knows His time with them
will be cut short. However,
on this commemorative
corridor of admiration,
Jesus perceives that one
day this shepherd will
indeed, return and collect
His sheep on a stallion
befitting as king-for
He is the King of Kings.
This Lenton season reflect upon the holiness of our King of Kings and the sacrifice He made because of His great love for you.